< about_app >
Sekilas tentang Suteki

Suteki merupakan mitra ideal bagi perguruan tinggi yang tengah melakukan transformasi digital di era industri 4.0 untuk menerapkan manajemen kampus berbasiskan teknologi informasi.

Suteki dapat membantu kampus menerapkan tata kelola perguruan tinggi yang baik, meningkatkan kinerja pegawai secara personal maupun kolektif sebagai tim, meningkatkan kualitas layanan, pelaporan PD DIKTI, serta optimasi biaya operasional kampus.

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< app_benefits >
Why Our App is
Best for your Business

Bitcoin’s future looks very bright, and we plan on remaining on the forefront of this technology, creating more tools and services for everyone to use in innovative new ways. Get start accepting Crypto Payments today!

Tentang PT Suteki Karya Nusantara author widget
Jina Nilson, UI Designer

Implement ideas

On your website

Zero Fraud

Guarantee no chargebacks

Privacy & Security

Customer and merchant
< how_it_works >
Get Started in
a Few Minutes with WallApp
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Payment processing was our first contribution to the Bitcoin ecosystem, but it is not our last.

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Payment processing was our first contribution to the Bitcoin ecosystem, but it is not our last.

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Payment processing was our first contribution to the Bitcoin ecosystem, but it is not our last.